Core Values


Photo: In Full Detail


We typically don’t get second chances in life, but our furniture is a different story! I believe in giving new life to forgotten pieces of the past, so the majority of our inventory has been tirelessly hunted and found, generously donated, or carefully thrifted.

Because I don’t buy in bulk from retail stores or catalogs, the inventory is made of unique, individual items. You’ll notice that we generally only have one of everything, while we cross our fingers that we will stumble upon a similar or matching item!

Fun fact: I name each piece of lounge furniture after the previous owner or the location it was found.

Hands On

Unfortunately, I’m always walking around with bruises somewhere on my body. Yes, I’m clumsy, like my husband has seen me walk into walls, BUT it’s also because I’m a hands on business owner.

To get these gorgeous items for your events, you’ll find me ripping staples and nails out of chair frames, cutting through old, dusty fabric, sewing and trimming thousands of feet of piping, sanding and painting furniture, lifting and transporting inventory, the list goes on.

On the less physical days, I’m behind the scenes answering emails, making phone calls, creating content, taking photos, listening to business podcasts, collaborating on styled shoots, and planning the next makeover…just to name a few.


Photo: In Full Detail



Photo: In Full Detail

Continual Growth

I LOVE a good challenge. Why else would I have decided to run the NYC marathon, build a new business, and get married all in the same year?

Starting and running a successful business certainly comes with its challenges and while I may have stopped running marathons, I will not stop moving this business forward. I will continue to learn the ins and outs of the events industry, fine tune my skills, grow my expertise, curate the perfect inventory, and make lasting, positive connections with couples and other professionals, all to provide beautiful items for your special events!


There is no shame in my game! I’m proud to say that I have found some of the MOST amazing items on the curb. The Adelina Chair? Yes, that was found on a Brooklyn sidewalk, waiting to be thrown into a landfill. I couldn’t believe someone was tossing this beautiful antique chair simply because of some torn fabric!

Of course, I do not take anything and everything. I’m practical and thorough in my hunt for inventory. I look for items with good bones and potential. If I can paint, reupholster, or upcycle a timeless item to give it a second chance, I don’t hesitate to scoop it up. Trust me, if there is no hope for an item and it’s clear that it has already lived many successful lives, then I’m at peace with letting it go.


Photo: In Full Detail



Photo: Photos by Siobhan


I LIVE for saving previously-loved pieces from the trash. I’m very sentimental, so preserving history through vintage furniture (and old photos) brings me all the feelings of nostalgia - I guess I would be considered a true ‘grandmillenial’!

My eyes are always peeled because I never know when I’ll find the next great piece for the collection. Many times I’ll spot something incredible while driving and I’ll enthusiastically yell, “Stop the car!” at my husband, who lovingly obliges.

Honestly, there are many nights that I just can’t fall asleep because of all the ideas and plans swirling in my head that I’m eager to tackle the next morning. Every new inquiry in my inbox gets me excited because I know how much fun I’m going to have helping you bring your vision to life!